Over their lifetime, care beds are often used in several households and come into contact with a great many people. This makes standardised hygiene that can be properly validated especially important. Health insurance companies are also focusing increasingly on this issue. For this reason, we recommend the use of machine-washable care beds that are suitable for automatic reprocessing – either for cleaning in a washing facility or for airborne disinfection through nebulisation with hydrogen peroxide. Burmeier has extensive experience in the manufacture of durable, machine-washable beds. We also work closely with the leading manufacturers of reprocessing systems – RehaWash Systems for wash cells, and BOGA for airborne disinfection. Discover the many powerful advantages of automatic reprocessing:
Are you interested in automated reprocessing and are looking for up-to-the-minute facts about it? Then ask for our free whitepaper on “Hygienic reprocessing of care beds”. This whitepaper informs you about the requirements stipulated by standards, regulations and insurance providers. Find out about the different reprocessing methods and the technical advantages that our care beds offer. Automated reprocessing can significantly ease the workload on medical retail staff, make work processes more efficient, and save costs. Use our interactive “wash calculator” to determine the economic benefits your company would reap from converting to automated reprocessing. And that’s not all – we would be pleased to arrange a no-obligation consultation with you, which would also give you the opportunity to test our machine-washable beds “live” during a sampling session. Order your whitepaper today! We look forward to your enquiry.
All you need to know about "Hygienic reprocessing of care beds"
Information on reprocessing
Bespoke advice from our experts
Sampling our washable care beds
The beds and bed inserts in the Burmeier wash range offer the best hygiene properties and are specially designed for automated reprocessing and airborne disinfection. The technical coordination with the systems of our cooperation partners RehaWashSystems and BOGA permits particularly safe hygiene which can be validated. Together with our partners, we will provide you with an attractive, tailored offer, including favourable financing options.
The Dali care bed series from Burmeier is the best-selling care bed range in Germany. The machine-washable Dali wash model combines the many advantages of these beds with outstanding hygiene properties.
Many people would like to enjoy the benefits of an adjustable care bed in the familiar surroundings of their own bedroom. The Lippe IV washable bed insert can simply be placed inside the existing bed frame.
Our area sales manager in your region is at your service as an expert for any questions you may have about automated reprocessing. Make an appointment with one of our area sales managers at any time – and profit from the advice they provide on site, including an analysis of the potential benefits for your company, and an attractive, tailored offer.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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